Saturday, 29 March 2014

Kimberley reads & Talks #3-Canadian Pioneer

 Wednesday April 9, 7 pm

This month's theme is a bit different from the others in that it only deals with non-fiction.

The definition of 'pioneer' is broad, however, and opens the door to fascinating people and books.

A pioneer can be defined as one who is among the first to to explore or settle a new country or territory. (Kimberley?? Mars???)

It can be one who opens up or develops new areas of thought, research or development. (Panataphysics??? dog chews for people???)

Whatever your area of interest, there is sure to be a book about a Canadian pioneer you can share!

Without giving too much away, I can tell you there is already a literary pioneer, a medical pioneer, a notorious Kimberley pioneer and a early settler in the central Canada on the list to be discussed.

Curious? Come to the 'book club with a difference' and bring your own pioneer book.

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